We're a bunch of avid travellers that have taken your good old "Countries Visited Map" (or others call it "Places I've Been To Map") and taken it two steps further. Let us explain what we've done and how it works.
We've likely all at some point used an online tool that lets you select the countries that you've visited and then nicely colours those in on a map. Some even give you the percentage of the world that you have visited. There are dozens of them, some better-looking than others, but they all suffer from a few flaws that we've tried to fix:
- They are very binary: you have either visited a country or not. But, having just popped over the border of a country isn't exactly the same as having extensively travelled around a country. Or having done a weekend city trip to Paris isn't the same as having travelled for four weeks around France.
- They treat every country the same, but having been to Singapore for two days doesn't have the same value as having travelled through China for three weeks. The latter obviously means that you've seen much more of the world than adding 0.5% for every country visited and summing it all up.
We've tried to solve this by adding an extra layer: destinations. So you're not just selecting the countries that you've visited, but as a next step the destinations that you've seen in each of these countries. A bit more work obviously, but - in our view - totally worth it.
Of course, adding destinations raises new issues:
- Not every destination is the same. Prague is of more touristic value than Chisinau, and Angkor of more value than Burkina Faso's Loropeni ruins. We therefore need to assign each destination a score of either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 10. You can see what score each destination has by clicking on the "i" when selecting the destinations.
- We need to decide which destinations to include and which not, which is subjective! At least to some extent, however we've tried hard to make it as objective as possible. Read more about how we did that in this blog post.
Once you've gone selected all countries and destinations where you've been, which shouldn't take you more than 10 to 15 minutes if you remember well where you've travelled (and we've added some information there to help you out), we'll create the following for you:
- A Countries Visited World Map, just like the ones you're used to, but with one difference: we colour in the countries with different shades of orange depending on how much of a country you have seen, taking steps of 20%. So if your map is very light-orange, you've seen relatively little of each country, but if most countries are a very dark orange, you've explored them very well. That said, you will likely have a patchwork of different shades, showing you straightaway which countries you may want to go back to.
- A total traveller score by adding up all scores of the destinations that you've visited. We'll also tell you how you rank compared to other travellers.
- A traveller profile, in which we tell you a bit more of what you look like as a traveller.
We hope to expand the profile and add other features over time. In the meantime, feel free to give us your feedback by sending a message or commenting on one of our related blog posts.